Aaron J Smith
Professional jack of all trades
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 801.709.0170
Web: aaronjsmith.me
I am a professional jack of all trades, I started building websites when I was a preteen, I have been doing web design as my sole career for over a decade.
Proudly Employed
2014 – now
Manager of IT & Development at Propeller Inc.
* Development of HTML5/PHP/JS/MySQL applications that interact with bar code scanners
* Providing IT services. Installing Servers, Maintaining IT Equipment, Managing Phones Systems, Windows Server 2003 – 2012 R2, Maintaining online presence.
Back End – PHP, Object Oriented Programming, MySQL, WordPress Plugins, Crons, WHM & Cpanel,Minor Regex writing, Silex, Digital Ocean
Client Side – Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, WordPress Themes, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive CSS, Mobile Web Development, Twig, Legacy Windows Mobile 5 Appplications
Software Experience – Mac OS X, Linux (Ubuntu & Varients, Cent OS), Windows, Adobe Suite, Sublime Text
Office Skills – Diagnosing Network, Managing Projects, Consulting with Clients.